Town of Johnsburg Highway Department
Fred Comstock – Superintendent
[email protected]
Mike Dunkley – Deputy Superintendent
[email protected]
88 Ski Bowl Road
North Creek, NY 12853
Monday – Thursday
6:00AM to 4:00 PM
How do I get a list of Road Closings? Warren County Road Closings
How do I get a 911 Address? E-911 Address Application
Please use the e-mail link above to send a compliment, offer a suggestion, or tell us where you noticed some road damage.
In the event of an emergency such as a downed tree blocking a road, please call 911.
The Town Highway Department garage is located at the north end of the North Creek Ski Bowl. The Highway Garage is a metal building with over 13,000 square feet of garage and storage space. The department maintains 94 miles of town roads, only a quarter of which have paved surfaces. There are a substantial number of short, dead-end roads which were included as part of the system in the early 1960’s, when department equipment was generally smaller and maintenance requirements were less demanding. With the trend toward ever larger highway machinery, maintenance and especially plowing of these roads has become increasingly difficult and impractical.
The Town of Johnsburg is served by a network of State, County and Town roads as shown on the Highway System map. State Routes 28 and 8 are the major travel corridors through town, serving both long distance and local traffic. These roads are arterial highways designed to serve heavier traffic volumes than county or town roads and are suitable for truck traffic. Sight distance is good along most segments of the state routes, with the exception of Route 8 between Riparius and Johnsburg that is winding and hilly. State Route 28 is a main entryway into the central Adirondacks from points south.
County highways generally serve as “collector” roads, with traffic volumes intermediate between arterials and local roads. Peaceful Valley Road (County Route 29) between North Creek and Sodom provides a connection between the Gore Mountain Ski Center with points to the south and west. County highways appear to be of adequate design to carry moderate traffic volumes. Sight distance is good along most segments, with the exception of County Route 78 in the North River area.
The Town of Johnsburg maintains about 94 miles of roads, the majority of which are unpaved. Many are short dead-ends that serve only a few residences. Town roadways can be classified as “local highways,” whose primary function is to provide access to the highway system, i.e. to serve as residential roads. They need not be designed to high-speed design standards. Adequate width is necessary for safety and plowing reasons, but asphalt paving is not essential. In fact, many persons prefer a gravel surface in order to retain the open space forested character, and to lower vehicular speeds.