Johnsburg Town Hall | 219 Main Street | North Creek, NY 12853
(518) 251-2421


Town of Johnsburg Real Property Assessment

Letitia Williams, ​NYS Certified Assessor 
[email protected]   
Office Hours: By Appointment 
​Phone: 518-251-2421 ext 6
Fax: 518-251-9991 

The principal mission of the Assessment Office is to maintain a fair and equitable assessment roll.
This is the foundation for the levy of taxes. 

January 1st: Town & County Tax Bills 

March 1st: Taxable Status Day. Exemption filing deadline and status of completion or condition of real property.

February – April: Informal Assessment Reviews with the Assessor

May 1st: Tentative Assessment Roll filed annually.

4th Thursday in May: Grievance Day.Board of Assessment Review meets for Formal Assessment Reviews

July 1st: Final Assessment Roll & Valuation Date

Sept 1st: School Tax Bills

 Link to first update on town wide assessment re-val 
Passcode: 4!HAKF#r 

Community Map/GIS 

Mobile Parcel Viewer 

Image Mate 

Deeds & Surveys

Property Ownership History 

  • STAR Basic ~ School Tax Relief Exemption for owner-occupied primary residences for any age. Income less than $500,000.
  • STAR Enhanced ~ School Tax Relief Exemption for those 65 and over. Income must be under $98,700 and property has to be the primary residence. 
  • Senior Citizens ~ Property Tax Exemptions for seniors 65 and over with limited income. Property must be the primary residence. Total annual income for all people residing in dwelling from all sources must be less than $39,899. * This exemption requires annual renewal locally with the Assessor *
  • Veterans ~ Property Tax Exemptions for those who served in any Branch of the Armed Forces and have been honorably discharged.  Wartime and Cold war periods apply.  The property must be the primary residence.  Copy of DD214 (Service Record) is necessary to process application.

Grievance Day is the 4th Thursday in May at the Tannery Pond Center from 4-8pm. Please do not hesitate to contact the Assessor prior to this date to discuss your assessment.

Informal Review Process: Property owners have the opportunity to discuss their assessment on an informal basis at any time with the Assessor. If you feel your assessment is incorrect, you must provide the Assessor with reasonable information, based on market sales, that supports your opinion of market value.

Your mailing address information is maintained by the Assessor’s Office as the primary means of the Town corresponding with you.  Help us keep our records current by informing us of any changes of address. You can do this by calling or emailing the Assessor .