Johnsburg Town Hall | 219 Main Street | North Creek, NY 12853
(518) 251-2421

Senior Citizens Center

Senior Citizens Center 

3584 State Route 28
​North Creek, NY 12853
(518) 251-2711

Meals at the Senior Center

Healthy, nutritious, and balanced meals are served Monday through Friday at noon. Any person 60 years or older, as well as their spouse of any age, is welcome, regardless of income level or resources. A voluntary contribution of $3 is suggested for individuals 60 and older, while the suggested contribution for those under 60 is $5.

Please contact the Senior Center no later than 9:00 AM to sign up for lunch.

Home-Delivered Meals

With the help of volunteer drivers, home-delivered meals are available Monday through Friday for individuals 60 years or older who are homebound and unable to prepare meals for themselves. Each meal is healthy, nutritious, and balanced. If married, their spouse may also receive meals, even if they are not yet 60 years old.

A voluntary contribution of $3 per meal is suggested and greatly appreciated.

Queensbury/Glens Falls Shopping Trips. Every Thursday.

• No cost for transportation.
• Pickup at your house or White Water Manor
• Pickups begin at 9:00 am and returns at 3:00 pm.

* Pre-registration is required by calling 793-0636

President – Ginny Raymond
Vice President – Jerry Spitz
Secretary – Rosalie Waldron
Treasurer – Nancy Sylvester
​Sunshine – Shelly Raymond
Tour Director  – Evelyn Goodspeed

Monthly Meetings​: On the 4th Wednesday
May – Oct :  potluck supper 5pm
​Nov – April : lunch at noon