Johnsburg Youth Committee Programs
The Town of Johnsburg Youth Committee (JYC) offers recreational, educational, cultural, and social opportunities for local youth. Its programs are funded through the Town of Johnsburg General Fund and private foundation grants. Current offerings include:
- Summer Youth Program
- Winter Ski Lessons
- School-Year Activities and Trips
JYC also supports other community youth programs, such as:
- Youth Athletics (baseball)
- Junior Outdoor Club (skeet and archery)
- Second-Grade Ski Initiative (a collaborative program with JCS and Adirondack Treks)
For program details, visit the JYC calendar on this website or access it through the Johnsburg Central School website. Information is also distributed through school flyers, JCS’s Jag Jottings, and posted on both the town and JYC Facebook pages, where you’ll find details on upcoming opportunities and how to sign up.
Summer Youth Program, Director
Peter Olesheski
email: [email protected]
Swim Instruction Program
School Year Activities, Director
Want to explore the universe through a giant telescope? Learn how to make chocolate or healthy snacks? Try knitting or dancing? Go camping? Join an extra art class after school? Create mosaic tiles? Try geocaching? Or attend a vacation week camp?
Our school-year activities coordinator, with the help of volunteers, organizes a wide range of activities for different age groups. We’re always looking for adult instructors who have skills to share with kids—our program offerings are only limited by the number of participating volunteers.
JCS is especially supportive of these JYC programs, providing space for activities, copy services, and bus transportation when needed.
Winter Ski Lessons, Director: Peter Olesheski
Every child in the Johnsburg School District receives a free ski pass each season. Gore offers alpine ski instruction to kids for six Sundays a season, which the JYC subsidizes. Transportation to either lesson site must be provided by parents.
Nordic instruction is provided at modest cost by JCS coaching staff and Adirondack Treks instructors. Equipment is available through Treks, a sub-committee of JYC.
In early December, the JYC holds a gear exchange fundraiser. Families can get ski equipment for free or a small donation. If you have outgrown skis or boots, helmet or poles, snow boards or X-country skis, bring them with you to exchange. Please make sure your equipment is in safe condition. We do not accept OLD straight skis. Most of the equipment we have comes from the generosity of the Higley family, owners of The Sports Page in Glens Falls, NY.
Learn to Ski or Snowboard with the Gore Regional School Program for 2024
through the Town of Johnsburg.
Youth Baseball/Softball
March – June
Contact: Rob Wing 251-3674
Pre-K – 4th grade Soccer
Contact: Rob Wing 251-3674
Girls Scouts
School year Current contact
Boy Scouts
School year Current contact